The Best Time to Plan for the Fall Trade Show Season

As we all know, participation without preparation can lead to failure. Would you jump in a pool without the proper swimming attire? Or take a road trip without filling your gas tank? The answer is no.

The best time to plan or buy a new booth, is now! There are fewer trade show events in the summer, so there is more time to plan ahead for a busy fall. Display builder’s tend to have more capacity during summer months, take advantage of their down time and get a jump start on your booth design now. When others come out of the summer haze and scramble to throw their booth designs together you can sit back and relax.

Proper preparation on your part is imperative to having a successful trade show event. Here are some tips for where to start:

Plan Your Booth to Fit the Show
No one show is the same and therefore your goals and expectations will vary. Who is your crowd? Information seekers or decision makers? What are your goals for ROI and how will you meet those goals? Sit down with your Event Marketing company and plan everything from A-Z.

First Impressions Are Everything
What will distinguish your booth, and staff, from others? Have a clear, consistent message and design that stands out in the crowd. Carry that message from the branded pens to the shirts on your back. Hire trained greeters to welcome people into your space and generate more leads for you. (Many of our clients who hire greeters increase their leads by 20%). Make sure the attendee walks away with good information and understanding of your company. Then plan a multi-touch follow-up plan for after the show – thank you card, follow-up phone call, and follow-up appointment.

Publicize Your Participation
Don’t overlook pre-show publicity. This is where you can build anticipation with current and prospective clients. Your website should be one of the very first places to advertise, next would be social media. Make appointments – send out an email invite  inviting your clients/prospects to come see you at the show.

Beat the procrastinators and get a jump start on your booth design now. Enlist Apple Rock to assist you with your Fall Show preparation.  

Contact an Apple Rock Representative today!