2021: Rethink Your Trade Show Experience

Onward and upward! 2020 threw all of us a curve ball, but our feet remained planted. We adjusted our stance to adapt with the shift, and we kept our eye on the target. This year is your year, and with our team of creatives, we’re ready to serve you during these unprecedented times. As you prepare for your upcoming event or trade show, here are several strategies that can help your brand thrive.

Being social, strategically

It’s time to rethink the client engagement experience. When it comes to your branded trade show environments, you want to create designs that elevate without losing the level of safety that everyone wants to feel when interacting.

  • Does this spark joy? Year over year, companies have traditionally wanted to outdo themselves from the previous year. And rightfully so, as you want to capture the attendee’s attention. More times than not, that means keeping the same real estate and just adding more stuff. Well if working from home has taught us anything, it’s that maybe we have too much stuff, we agreed that maybe it’s time to tidy up. Well, maybe it’s time to tidy up our trade show spaces, too! Post-Covid, creating more space allows your team and your clients the freedom to define a safe, comfortable distance that alleviates any unwanted anxiety that could occur in a clustered environment. Not only does this create a more enjoyable experience, but it keeps more focus on your brand narrative.
  • Go BIG! It’s time to consider that larger real estate is the way to go. That 10×20 inline display can still work, but expanding to a 20×20 floorplan, for example, can not only better manage the flow of foot traffic, and space out engagement areas, but also maintain the social distance guidelines, as well.
  • Video Walls… If you’ve been on the fence about integrating digital elements within your brand space, now is the time to make the leap, and consider the technology at your disposal to drive your brand narrative. Something impactful, eye catching  will start the conversation before the client even steps into your branded space. We partner with great technology companies that can custom build large and small interactive experiences to compliment your space. Whether you want to include it in the booth design, or even have it included with your hanging sign!

QR codes are Cool Again

Literature – how can something so small weigh so much? Not to mention the time and logistics that go into making sure brochures, sales sheets, etc. deliver on time, and hope that nothing needs to be revised at the last minute.

Enter stage right – the QR code! I know, the QR code is not new, but in a post-Covid world, not only is this a safe way to transfer product knowledge and resources to your client, but it’s another opportunity to interact with them beyond their time in your space. Now with just a scan to their digital device, not only can your client gain access to your marketing content on products or services, but you have the opportunity to create contests, receive feedback, and overall, market your brand in a more convenient and creative way.

Safe, but fun

When it comes to masking up and creating a safe branded environment, Apple Rock is here for you. For your next event, our team of designers can work with you on custom designed masks for your team, your customers, or even highly qualified leads as giveaways!

In addition, Apple Rock can provide custom branded hand sanitizing stations for staging in your branded space, as well as our brand new 3-in-1 safety kiosk. A self-serve station, the 3-in-1 safety kiosk comes equipped with an 8-inch LCD screen and camera that will scan the individual’s temperature and real-time face mask detection. In addition, complimentary masks and hand sanitizer are located below the scanner for safety and convenience. What’s even better is that the dispenser is touchless, and refillable!


Apple Rock has always been there when you needed custom solutions – no matter how big or small. We are ready to partner with you to build an innovative brand environment that embraces the future of the event and trade show world.  Contact us for a free consultation

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