Checklist for Trade Shows – Event Planning the Right Way

You are just days away from the trade show, and you want to make sure you have all your bases covered.  Are you prepared and ready for the moment the show floor opens?

Important Information:

We find it easiest to put together a binder that includes all relevant information for the show including copies of your orders for services, contact information for the vendors, shipping manifest and labels, contact information and travel logistics for the booth staff, photographs of the assembled display for reference during installation, and digital copies of the booth graphics just in case damage occurs and you need to reprint them locally.  Keeping the information all together will be a great resource on the show floor.

Digital Camera:

Snapping photos at the show is a great idea!  Pictures of your booth can be used for reference when planning for an upcoming show and pictures of other exhibits can serve as inspiration when looking to update and change your look.  An on-site camera is also helpful in the event that damage occurred during shipping, allowing you to document it on the spot.

Booth staff:

In advance of the show, set up the booth staff schedule, allowing time for breaks and other show-related events and networking opportunities.  At some point before the show, review your exhibiting plan and objectives with the booth staff to ensure that everyone fully understands what you are trying to accomplish.


Confirm your travel itinerary including flights, transportation, and hotel accommodations.


If you plan to be at the show during installation and dismantle, plan to dress accordingly (the show halls are not always heated/air conditioned outside show hours).  As for the show, decide what everyone will wear, whether it is suits or company polos and khakis, and don’t forget comfortable shoes!


Come stocked with business cards, your calendar, extra pens, and paper.  If someone is wants to seal the deal, you want to be ready for it! Preparing yourself before the show will enhance your show experience.  With your booth looking great and well staffed, you are able to enjoy quality face-to-face time with potential clients…and that’s what it is all about, right?