We Stop to Reflect and Share Our Thanks

Did you know the average American works 900,000 hours in their lifetime? That’s one third of the typical lifetime. Today, instead of providing you with helpful tips, good knowledge or useful information about face-to-face marketing events, we would like to take a moment, to let you know all of the things we are thankful for as a company, as stated by our employees:

“I’m thankful for all the smiling faces that always have a “can do” attitude.”  – John, Account Services 

“I’m thankful for a job I don’t mind getting up in the morning for. I really enjoy what I do and seeing the finished projects, and knowing that I had a part in it really makes me proud to say that I’m an Apple Rocker!” – Brian, Graphics

“I am grateful to work with the BEST team. The people at Apple Rock are amazing.  Each and every day I see a better and stronger team being built here.” Patricia, Operations

 “I am thankful to be employed by a company that understands family and kids are important as long as the work gets done.” – Allison, Sales

“I am most thankful to be able work with a great supportive cast who all accept the one team one goal mentality.” Nick, Account Services

 “I’m always thankful we have so many people who can execute difficult tasks under the pressure of deadlines and keep their cool with a smile on their face.” – Jonathan, Design

 “I am personally thankful for the way Apple Rock embraces technology, not only for our employees but also for our customers. We are able to offer our clients creative, state of the art solutions that are fun and effective!” – Jeff, Event Marketing & Sales

“It’s hard to narrow it down to one as there are so many things I’m grateful. I am thankful for having an exciting & rewarding job, our vast capabilities, and our passionate & talented people whose goal is to make sure the client is happy and successful.”  – Cheryl Evans, Sales

 “I’m thankful for the teamwork and willingness to help each other out.  I know I can always ask others for advice or input from others – it’s easy to bounce ideas off each other and pull from each other’s different backgrounds.” – Michael, Engineering

“I am thankful we work with people who share our visions, work ethic and all around can do attitude.“ – Ehab, Estimation

As a whole we are thankful for so many things, but especially having a work environment that fosters creativity, bosses that truly care about our well-being and great clients that make our jobs more fun. So, from our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. May your holiday be filled with family, friends, and lots of great food and fun!