Be a Qualified Leads Champion at Your Next Trade Show

Qualified leads champions are shining stars on the trade show floor.

They stand out as leaders in their industry. They can boost the number of meaningful engagements at the show, increase sales and appointments all while decreasing the overall cost per lead.  These people are often praised by their bosses for a fantastic return on investment from their face to face marketing event. You too, can be on your way to becoming a qualified leads champion.

Recycle, Reuse and Refurbish Your Old Trade Show Exhibits

There are benefits to repurposing your old display instead of starting from scratch each time you need a new display. It is better for the environment, a socially responsible thing to do. A rebuild will save money in several aspects, by making the structure lighter and saving in the cost of new material. This process could be as simple as adding new graphics. Apple Rock is most likely the only display manufacturer in the country that will not only talk about it as a viable option, but actually re-engineer your old display into something new and relevant.

Integrate Appropriate Interactive Technology In Your Booth 

Having interactive tables or walls helps to capture more qualified leads, deeply engages the audience and reduces the cost of collateral materials. Interactive technology will help turn attendees into customers by making the follow-up process easier and immediate, ensuring more sales come from your face to face marketing event. There are a variety of products that you can implement throughout your display, such as touch kiosks, interactive multi-touch walls, 80” portables and multi-user interactive counters.

Apple Rock Displays is a leader in the custom modular exhibit industry. Let us teach you how to make a lasting first impression on the show floor and become a qualified leads champion.  Follow us on social media #leadschamp