You hear a lot about going green in the event marketing and planning business.
Luckily, the worlds of “cost-effective” and “eco-friendly” are converging quite rapidly – in many cases, going green can actually cut costs and labor. Here are some easy ways to push the green movement from within your organization.
1) Reduce your carbon footprint by cutting down on crates and cases. Already a good idea (as it reduces costs associated with shipping and drayage), consolidating into fewer cases reduces the overall environmental impact of your setup…as well as being easier on your back!
2) Print on Recyled Content. Using recycled materials for your graphics (both fabric and rigid) is a fairly easy way to communicate that your organization cares about eco-friendly sourcing.
3) Buy your carpet! Again, this makes financial sense as well as being environmentally friendly. For companies that attend several trade shows annually, investing in a quality carpet for your display is usually a good option. Renting can be an option for organizations with a more infrequent event marketing schedule.
4) Use LED lighting vs. Halogen. Typically, a high quality LED lighting system will last longer, consume less electricity, and prove to be a worthwhile investment.
5) Build out of Plyboo products and recycled wood products. Environmentally sustainable and highly durable, these highly innovative building materials can be used for tables, flooring, and other components of your setup. The majority of these green building materials can be used in scores of applications, and can bring a visually stunning appeal to displays and exhibits.
Once seen as cost-prohibitive to many, going green nowadays is much easier to do. By repurposing and reusing, as well as choosing durable and sustainable materials for graphics and design elements, reducing your eco-footprint is the right decision for many companies and event marketers.